How do I contact someone about the club or matches etc.?
can go to the "Contacts" page
for an email address of one of the club officers.
When are matches held?
Normal monthly matches are
held on Sunday. It is best to get there about 7:30 a.m.
(some people get there earlier)
and the normal starting time is 9 a.m. Please see the "Calendar" page
for the current calendar.
On match day, what time does it start?
It is scheduled to start at 9 a.m.
What is the cost for shooing in a match? Does that include
Members: $30.00 -
Non Members $35.00
It includes only your entry fee. See Equipment Needed
Do I have to be member to shoot in a match?
No, although you will pay a little more for your entry
Who can compete?
Anyone. Minors must have
a parent available on site. See the new "Challenger Class" info
on the Calendar page.
Where are the matches held?
Dietz Range - New Braunfels, Tx - See Map to the range
under the menu on the left side of the page.
How long does it take to shoot a match?
A normal match is done about 3 - 4 p.m.
How many rounds will I need to shoot a match?
We would suggest that you bring at least 100 rounds for
all day ( includes probably enough ammo for shooting both
distances). This will give you 5 sighters for each relay
although you may not shoot all of the sighters each time
but this will give you some idea of how much to bring overall.
How long do I have to shoot my shots for each relay?
A normal relay is 7 (seven
minutes) but the first relay is a total of 10 minutes.
There will be a 3 minute "sight
in" period during the first relay at each distance
followed by a 7 minute period to shoot your five shots
plus any sighters that you need / want to shoot during
the "scoring period".
Will there be any time for "sight in"?
Yes, you will get a 3 minute period to sight in on the "sighter" target
during the first relay at each distance. See below.
What is the difference in shooting for "score" and
shooting for "groups"?
In simple terms the shooting
for score is scored by the "ring" value
i.e. x ring, 10 ring, 9ring etc. and each shot is scored
against a possible 10 points (x's are 10 points but are
used for tie breakers).
Each relay (5 relays at 100 yds and 5 relays at 200 yds)
you will have 5 record targets on the target board and
1 (one) sighter target. You will shoot one shot at each
target with a possible score of 50 points per relay or
250 points at each distance. Total possible score for the
day is 500.
During the "sight in" period you may not shoot
the "record" targets.
You may not shoot more than
one shot on each "scoring
/ record" target during scoring period (7 minutes).
You may shoot as many as you want only on the sighter
target i.e if the wind changes and you need to check
how it will
effect the bullet.
You will have about 30 minutes between relays and you
may choose to shoot only one distance if you cannot be
there for both. Your entry fee would be adjusted. The morning
is the 100 yard distance and the afternoon is the 200 yard.
In simple terms, shooting for group is your best effort
to shoot 5 shots through one hole!
This is done with one "sighter" target and one "record" target.
All 5 shots are shot on one "record" target
during each relay (See the relay explanation above in
Score shooting).
The group is measured to the .001 of an inch from the
outer edge of the widest point between shots and one
bullet width
is subtracted from it.
Sample; You shoot a 308 and your group measures .614.
We take .614-.308=.306 for your group in that relay. You
shoot 5 groups at that distance and they are all averaged
together to give you your average group.
The "sight in period" is the same as shown above.
You may only shoot 5 shots on the record target. During
the "sight in" period or the "record" period
you may shoot as many shots as you want at the "sighter
What are the safety rules?
At the end of each period you must remove your bolt. Bolts
must be removed at all times when you are not shooting.
You may remove your rifle for cleaning etc. between relays.
SAFETY IS PRIMARY. Follow all commands of the range master.
If you have a problem during a relay shooting period -
notify the range officer immediately.
What equipment do I need to shoot the first time?
You would need a front rest or a bipod, rear rest (optional
but highly recommended, and your best shooting iron. Bring
ammo, drinks and pack a lunch. You should consider a scope
with adjustable turrets for both distances. You can shoot
off of sand bags if you do not have a rest.
What is the most common caliber to shoot?
Any caliber is acceptable (See Challenger info on the
Match Schedule) EXCEPT 50 CALIBERS. Generally, no muzzle
breaks - some exceptions can be made in the Challenger
class with approval from the club officers. Please contact
one of them for any special concerns that you may have.
See Contacts page.
The most common calibers for group shooting are 22 PPC
and 6mm PPC.